The university started to offer Engineering Courses in UE-Caloocan Extension Campus (former name of Caloocan Campus) in SY 1977-1978. Four courses were initially offered: Civil Engineering (CE), Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), Electrical Engineering (EE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME) whereby classes were conducted in the Shop Building.

As the demand for additional rooms increases, the College of Engineering Building began to be constructed in January 1979 and was blessed and inaugurated on September 15, 1980.

Subsequently, engineering classes were gradually transferred to the newly constructed four-storey building.

The Engineering Building was composed of : CE and ME Laboratory Equipment and Facilities at the 1st floor; ECE and EE Laboratory Equipment and Facilities at the 2nd floor; Lecture Rooms for all Engineering Courses at the 3rd floor; while the 4th floor was left unfinished at the time of operation and was later constructed in the early 90s.

From 1977 till 2003, the College of Engineering (COE), Caloocan Campus acted merely as an extension college whereby students from the College Of Engineering (COE) – Manila Campus automatically transfer and merged with students of Caloocan Campus once they reach their third year curriculum level.

Nevertheless, the College of Engineering – Caloocan gradually and steadily made its name by consistently producing topnotchers in the CE, ECE, EE and ME Board Examinations given by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). Moreover, A number of alumni have proven their worth by holding top company positions (as a CEO, President, Vice-President, and the likes) in various fields of Engineering.

It was only during SY 2003-2004, when the two colleges: COE-Manila and COE – Caloocan, became separate entities. New Dean, Associate Dean and College Secretary were appointed as College Officials for COE-Manila paving the way for the total separation of the two colleges, thus, making the COE-Caloocan as a self-sufficient college.

For several decades, the COE-Caloocan has gone through series of renovations both on its physical (i.e.: facilities, laboratories, libraries, etc.) and curricular programs. Now, the college has its own air-conditioned Library at the third floor of Engineering Building, beside the library are the Multi-purpose Hall 1 & 2, holding a capacity of 160 and 50 seats, respectively. These Halls are, at present, being utilized for various activities by different colleges and offices.

Other development that took place in the college from ground floor to fourth floor were: (1) Renovation of the CE Toolroom; (2) Repainting and repair of Machine Shop Laboratory; (3) Renovation of ECE laboratory, the lay-out of which were patterned from world class laboratories; (4) Construction of additional Computer Laboratory Room (CLR6, CLR7, CLR8) and procurement of new high-end computers to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for IT related courses. Not to mention, the initially 200 computers which were already installed in 5 computer laboratories (CLR1 to CLR5); and lastly, (5) the air-conditioning of entire Building, i.e.: installation of aircon units at each lecture and laboratory rooms.

In its pursuit to produce globally competitive graduates and to be the center of Science and Technology in Caloocan-Malabon-Navotas-Valenzuela (CAMANAVA) Area, the college has widened its scope through program diversification. In fact, the College is now offering seven (7) programs variously: Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology.


UE College of Engineering-Caloocan

Angelita D. Guia

Dr. Paraluman G. Sim
Associate Dean-Engineering

Dr. Maria Amelia E. Damian
Associate Dean-Computer Studies and Systems

Engr. Edelito A. Handig
College Secretary

UE College of Engineering-Caloocan Dean’s Office
Dean: (632) 8-367-4572 local 166
Direct Line: (632) 8-365-4121

Associate Dean and College Secretary:
✆  8-367-4572 local 167
✆  Direct Line: 8-365-4121

General UE CEng’g Caloocan email address:

Department Chairs Office:

✆ UE Caloocan Trunkline 8-367-4572
✆ CE Department: local 171
✆ CpE Department: local 172
✆ ECE Department: local 181
EE Department: local 170
ME Department: local 169
CS/IT Department.: local 200

Social Info


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