The UE Office for International Affairs and External Linkages (OIL) directly reports to the President and Chief Academic Officer in coordination with the academic units. The office leads in preparing, designing, developing, and implementing policies, procedures, and programs for all internationalization projects, activities, and external linkages of the University.

International Exchange Programs

The University of the East enters into international exchange programs with international partner institutions. These programs provide opportunities for faculty members and students on the following academic engagements:

Similarly, partner institutions can also send their faculty members and students to the said exchange program activities, in reference to what are stipulated in the MOUs/MOAs between UE and its host partner schools.

International Partnerships and Linkages

The University of the East establishes international ties with HEIs abroad to further strengthen its internationalization efforts in providing various international exchange programs and activities. The University agrees and signs MOUs/MOAs that eventually give international opportunities to both faculty members and students.

Partner International Institutions

  • Soka University, Japan
  • Maejo University, Thailand
  • Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Darma Cendika Catholic University, Indonesia
  • Kun Shan University, Taiwan
  • Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
  • Mingshin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
  • Fooyin University, Taiwan
  • Widyatama University, Indonesia
    (Note: To be updated.)



International Students Services

The UE OIL office offers guidance and support to the University’s international students (IS) to further facilitate ease and comfort in admission, registration, services, academics, and immigration/visa application, and processing related concerns. The OIL also provides assistance on UE IS’ social and academic life on campus, for them to be able to adapt to the Philippine culture and experience a fulfilling and rewarding academic journey in UE.

International Activities and Programs

The OIL also provides events, activities, and programs to IS and members of the UE community to further promote internationalization in the University. From organizing IS orientations and activities for international students, other programs include:

Intensive English Workshop and Cultural Exchange Program (IEWCEP).
The UE Colleges of Arts and Sciences-Manila and -Caloocan conduct English classes and Filipino cultural immersions to students of partner international HEIs (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) that provide more opportunities to speak English and learn the Filipino culture among student participants.

The LAL (Learn a Language) Program.
The Office also offers foreign language programs (e.g., Mandarin, Nihongo, French) to interested students, faculty members, or employees of the University. FL teachers from partner HEIs are invited to conduct foreign language teaching to registered or invited participants.

The “Lualhati” Forum.
The OIL invites speakers from its partner HEIs to give talks or lectures on various multidisciplinary topics. This is done onsite or through a webinar.

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