UE College of Law

Freshman Applications

An applicant for admission to the first year (freshmen) must be a graduate of a four-year Bachelor of Science or Arts degree and must have earned at least 18 units of English, 6 units of Mathematics, and 18 units of Social Sciences. He/she should submit the results (COE or COG) of the Philippine Law School Admission Test (PhilSat) issued by the Legal Education Board, and must pass the Law College Entrance Examination and interview administered by the Office of the Dean. For School Year 2021-2022, the submission of the PhilSat results shall not be required in view of the suspension of the test requirement by the Legal Education Board.

The applicant must submit the following:

  1. Completely filled out application form;
  2. Original Transcript of Records;
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from school last attended;
  4. Honorable Dismissal from school last attended unless the applicant is a UE graduate;
  5. Original copy of PSA-issued Birth Certificate; and
  6. 4 pcs. 1 ½ by 1 ½ picture


Transferee Applications

The Dean has the sole prerogative to accept a transferee provided that he/she was not expelled from his/her previous school and has complied with the academic requirements of the UE College of Law. All accepted transferees will be on probation for one semester and must comply with the conditions set by the Dean to lift the probation. A transferee applicant must submit the following requirements:

  1. Completely filled out application form;
  2. Original Transcript of Records from previous law school;
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from school last attended;
  4. Original copy of the PSA-issued Birth Certificate; and
  5. 4 pcs. 1 ½ by 1 ½ picture


Refresher Applications

  1. Completely filled out application form;
  2. Copy of the Transcript of Records or Copy of the latest Application to Take the Bar Examinations; and
  3. 4 pcs. 1 ½ by 1 ½ picture


Cross-Enrollment Applications

No UE CLaw student shall be allowed to cross-enroll any bar subject in any other school unless for highly justifiable reasons. In any event, no cross-enrollment shall be valid without prior written approval of the Dean and the University Registrar.


Any student from another law school who desires to cross-enroll into the UE College of Law should submit a permit to cross-enroll issued by his/her school’s registrar.