
Students Account Information


Students are deemed officially registered and enrolled if they have complied with all of the following requirements:

A) They have submitted the appropriate admission or transfer credentials.

B) They have made an initial payment of their school fees, which have been accepted by the school.

C) They have been authorized to attend classes in the school.

Classification of Students

Students in the University are classified as regular, irregular or special.

A) A regular student is one who is registered for formal academic credits and who carries the prescribed load for his/her course in the semester for which he/she is registered.

B) An irregular student is one who is registered for formal academic credits but carries less than the full load prescribed for his/her course in the semester for which he/she is registered.

C) A special student is one who is not earning formal academic credits for his/her work.

Students are also classified as freshman, sophomore, junior or senior.

A) Freshmen are students who have not completed the prescribed subjects of the first year of their curriculum, or 25 percent (25%) of the total number of units required in their entire course.

B) Sophomores are those who have completed the prescribed subjects of the first year of their curriculum, or have finished at least 25 percent (25%) of the total number of units required in their course.

C) Juniors are those who have completed the prescribed subjects of the first two years of their curriculum, or have finished at least 50 percent (50%) of the total number of units required in their course.

D) Seniors are those who have completed the prescribed subjects of the first three years of their curriculum, or have finished not less than 75 percent (75%) of the total number of units required in their course.

Academic Load

The subject load and the sequence of subjects per semester shall be in accordance with the approved curriculum for each program or course of study. Exemption may be permitted on a case-to-case basis, provided it is due to justifiable reason, for the best interest of the student and the objectives of the educational system.

As a general rule, a student shall be allowed to take any advanced subject, provided he/she has satisfactorily passed the pre-requisite subject. A student who failed in any subject shall enroll in the subject again, either during summer or in a succeeding semester/school year. A student shall be allowed to take any new subject, provided he/she takes, at the same time, the subject/s in which he/she failed. A student shall be allowed to carry a maximum load prescribed for his/her course in the semester for which he/she is registered. Any load in excess thereof shall be considered an overload.

During a regular semester, only a graduating student shall be allowed to carry an overload in accordance with the rules prescribed by the University and the CHED, and shall do so only with the permission of the Dean concerned and the approval of the Registrar.

In excess of the normal load specified by the University for the school year or term, a graduating student may be permitted, upon the discretion of the University, an additional subject load of not more than six academic units. 

In the summer term, no undergraduate student shall carry more than nine academic units, provided, however, that no student shall carry more than one laboratory subject and one non-laboratory subject. 

A student graduating in the summer can have a maximum load of 12 units.


Any student who has incurred during the semester absences beyond 20% of the required total number of class and laboratory periods in a given subject shall not be re-admitted in the said subject and will be marked “dropped” and shall not be given credit. A student who has incurred more than three absences in a subject during the summer term shall not be re-admitted in that subject and shall not be given credit.

Whenever a student has been absent from his/her class for two or more consecutive class meetings, a report thereof shall be sent by the faculty member concerned to the Dean, stating the reason/s for such absence. The Dean shall send for the student on the first day of his/her return to class, and/or notify his/her parents or guardian immediately. If the Dean believes circumstances so demand, he may refer the student to the Student Affairs Office for appropriate remedial action.

Leave of Absence

A Leave of Absence (LOA) not to exceed two semesters shall be granted to students for meritorious reasons, taking into consideration the retention policy and the maximum residency requirement (MRR) of the University, and shall be subject to approval by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Dean.

The duly approved LOA of a student shall not be included in the MRR requirement of the University.

As a general rule, a student should finish his/her course or program of study within the number of years/semesters prescribed by the curriculum of the course.

Retention Policy

To raise the University’s academic standards, the University Academic Council has deemed it necessary to provide for each college a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) which students must maintain.

Guidelines for Delinquent Policy

I. Warning

A student who, in any given semester, obtains failing grades or a mark of “D” in 25 percent (25%) to 49 percent (49%) of the total number of academic units enrolled in, shall be warned by the Dean to improve his grades and shall be required to enroll and pass the failed subjects in the next semester, and to report to the Guidance and Counseling Office for counseling.

II. Probation

Students shall be placed under probation in the next semester of enrollment under any of the following conditions:

A) They had failing grades or a mark of “D” in 50 percent (50%) or 75 percent (75%) of the total number of units enrolled in a given semester.

B) They had failing grades or a mark of “D” in 25 percent (25%) to 49 percent (49%) of the total number of academic units rolled in for two consecutive semesters.

C) They did not comply with the other requirements imposed on them during their “warning” status.

A student placed under probation shall be given a limited academic load, as determined by the Dean, and shall be required to enroll in the failed subjects in the next semester. A student on probation shall be released only upon passing all subjects enrolled in during his/her period of probation.


III. Dismissal

A student who, in any given semester, obtains failing grades or a mark of “D” in more than 75 percent (75%) of the total number of academic units enrolled in shall be dismissed from the College. He/She may be allowed to re-enroll in the succeeding semester only after securing due clearance from the Dean.


A College may impose its own retention policy, provided the requirements shall not be lower than those prescribed by the University.


Special Proviso

A student who is slated for dismissal may appeal his/her case and, in meritorious cases (for causes other than scholastic delinquency), upon the recommendation of and under the conditions set by the College Ad Hoc Committee as approved by the Dean, may be allowed to re-enroll in the next semester.

A student who fails to meet the conditions imposed shall no longer be allowed to re-enroll and shall be issued his/her transfer credentials.

A student who is no longer allowed to re-enroll in a particular college because of scholastic delinquency, may seek admission in another College. However, he/she shall first be referred to the Guidance and Counseling Office for evaluation of capability and possibility of success in that College or unit, and his application for admission must be favorably considered by the Dean of the College to which he is seeking transfer.

Maximum Residency Requirement (MRR)

I. Undergraduate Students

The MRR for all undergraduate students shall start from the initial period of their enrollment in UE. The residency of students, whether regular/full-time or part-time, pursuing an undergraduate degree program, should not exceed ten (10) years, regardless of whether they shifted to another degree course.

The residency of students pursuing a non-degree program should not exceed four (4) years. However, if they shifted to a degree program, their residency should not exceed ten (10) years.


II. Graduate Students

For a Master’s degree, residency should not exceed five (5) years. For a Doctoral degree, residency should not exceed seven (7) years.


A student who has satisfied all academic and other requirements prescribed for his/her course shall be recommended to the Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) or to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office for graduation.

No degree shall be conferred on a student unless he/she has completed the last curriculum year in the University. Furthermore, no student who earned some academic units in another university shall be recommended for graduation, unless he/she has earned in this University at least 50% of his/her major units and at least 50% of the other units required for graduation in his/her course.

A student who is a candidate for graduation for a degree/title shall be required to pay the corresponding graduation fee during the last two semesters/terms of his/her enrollment.

The University shall confer a degree or title upon a student only after the CHED has issued a special order certifying the student’s eligibility to receive the degree or title.


Baccalaureate and Commencement Rites

All graduating students are expected to attend the midyear or yearend baccalaureate and commencement rites.

The commencement rites are characterized by simplicity, solemnity and austerity. The University prohibits the wearing of expensive attire, the publication of independent, non-management-produced annuals or the printing of expensive souvenir programs, and the practice of requiring class rings or pins, class donations and other contributions that may cause undue financial strain on the graduating students and their parents.

The University shall set aside a day to be designated as Recognition Day to honor students and candidates for graduation who have distinguished themselves through academic excellence and outstanding achievements. Recognition Day shall impress upon the awardees that their efforts in all aspects of school work—be it academics, the arts and music, sports, military science, leadership and other forms of extracurricular work—are acknowledged and well-appreciated by the University.

Graduation with Latin Honors

The University grant Latin Honors of
• Summa Cum Laude 
• Magna Cum Laude 
• Cum Laude
to graduating students who have satisfied all the prescribed requirements for Graduation with Latin Honors.

For further details and inquiries, consult the Dean’s Office of your College or the Student Affairs Office of your respective campus


  • The Outstanding Graduate Award

At each yearend commencement, the University presents the Outstanding Graduate Award, consisting of a gold medallion and a Plaque of Recognition with appropriate citation, and with the image of the Alma Mater and the University Seal, to the member of the graduating class who best satisfies the following requirements:

  1. An academic standing not lower than Cum Laude
  2. An outstanding record in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  3. Exemplary character
  4. Residency of at least three years in the University.
  • The Leadership Awards for Men and Women

At each yearend commencement, the University presents four leadership awards: one for men and another for women for each of the Manila and Caloocan Campuses, consisting of a Plaque of Recognition with appropriate citation, and with the image of the Alma Mater and the University Seal. These awards are given to the members of the graduating class who have:

  1. Outstanding participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  2. Promoted student and University welfare during their residence in the University
  3. Exemplary character
  4. A weighted average of not lower than 2.50, with no failing grade in any academic subject during their stay in the University
  5. A load of not less than 15 units of credit in academic subjects each semester if a full-time student, and not less than 12 units of credits in academic subjects, if a working student.
  6. Residency of at least three years in the University.
  • The College Distinguished Graduate Award

At each yearend commencement, the College Distinguished Graduate Award is given to one graduate who best exemplifies the requirement of each College. A gold medal is awarded to the recipient. 

The recipient of the College Distinguished Graduate Award is automatically the nominee of the College for the Outstanding Graduate Award.


To encourage the alumni to maintain the excellent record of UE graduates in the different professional examinations given by the Government, the University awards prizes to alumni who earn any of the first 20 places in any government licensure board or bar examination, such as those for Certified Public Accountants, Lawyers, Dentists, Engineers, Teachers, Librarians and Nutritionists.

The grant of free tuition for one semester in the UE Graduate School is awarded to the alumnus/alumna who obtains any of the first five places in the CPA Board Examination.

A 50% reduction of tuition for one semester in the UE Graduate School is given to an alumnus/alumna who obtains any place from the sixth to the tenth in the CPA Board Examination.

Cash Incentive for Board Exam Topnotchers

To encourage the alumni to maintain the excellent record of UE graduates in the different professional examinations given by the government, the University awards the following prizes to the alumni who cop any of the first twenty places in any of the examinations, such as those for Certified Public Accountants, Law, Dentistry, Engineering and Education:

   1. First Place P30,000.00 plus plaque

   2. Second Place P20,000.00 plus plaque

   3. Third place P10,000.00 plus plaque

   4. Fourth to tenth places P5,000.00

   5. Eleventh to twentieth places P2,000.00

The grant of free tuition for one semester in the UE Graduate School is awarded to the alumnus/alumna who obtains any of the first five places in the CPA Board Examinations.

A fifty percent (50%) reduction of tuition for one semester in the UE Graduate School is given to the alumnus/alumna who obtains any place, from the sixth to the tenth, in the CPA Board Examinations.

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