UE College of Engineering

Computer Engineering

Computer engineering deals with the application of engineering principles and methodologies in the analysis, design, implementation and management of hardware and software, and the integration of both.

The Computer Engineering (CpE) Program educates students to understand both sides of the hardware-software interface, from designing circuits to creating operating systems. Multidisciplinary in scope, the CpE curriculum integrates the fields of electrical engineering and computer science. This program will uniquely prepare CpE graduates to design and develop embedded digital and computer systems. Graduates with a degree in CpE will be highly skilled and ideally suited for 21st-century industries, including the games industry.

UE CpE concentrates on the practical application of theoretical learning through a variety of semestral and year long projects. Students will have increasing levels of creative control in their projects and receive feedback from expert instructors.


The University will produce Computer Engineering graduates who are:

  1. professionally competent and globally competitive;
  2. equipped with technical competencies and are able to contribute to the country’s social and economic progress;
  3. lifelong learners imbued with the UE core values of Excellence, Integrity, Professionalism, Teamwork, Commitment, Transparency, Accountability and Social Responsibility.



  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems.
  2. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  3. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
  4. Ability to function in multidisciplinary teams.
  5. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
  6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  7. Ability to communicate effectively.
  8. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.
  9. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
  10. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
  11. Ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
  12. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.



The CpE curriculum and student projects will focus on embedded systems, a term that refers to any device that uses a microprocessor or microcontroller for a specific purpose. Embedded systems appear in a wide array of household and industrial systems, and including portable and console game systems, robots, game peripherals, electronic toys, digital cameras, audio/video component systems, and even aircraft flight systems.



The computer engineering program at UE is a balance of engineering science and design. The freshman and sophomore year courses are structured to lay a solid foundation for the junior and senior level design courses by the introduction of courses in hardware, software and the engineering sciences (math, physics, and chemistry).

Design methodology and analysis techniques are stressed throughout the curriculum in the majority of the core courses required for graduation. The lecture classes are typically complemented by laboratory experiments that the student has designed, simulated and analyzed before commencing with the actual hands-on construction and testing. Students are well prepared in the software/hardware design procedure when they reach the final classes of Microprocessor System Design and the Senior Project Classes.

Skills in both software and hardware are employed in the design of a microcomputer system that require the student to write his own operating system in a high-level language ( e.g. C or C++) with embedded assembly language. The hardware support requirement is the design and implementation of a direct memory access (DMA) controller using a PLD or FPGA and a peripheral interface controller that supports a printer and an external bus. Students have several pattern electives to choose from in advanced software and hardware design classes. Such classes include topics in networks, embedded systems, VHDL, digital signal processing, state machine design, VLSI, control systems, communications and artificial intelligence.

The senior project class brings together, in a balance of solid software and hardware skills acquired throughout the required and elective curriculum, a culminating experience which involves teamwork, design, report writing and oral presentation. These experiences prepare our graduates to be successful engineers with an awareness of the many challenges involved in the workplace.




Technology Areas

  • Robotics and Automation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Operating Systems
  • Information Systems
  • Telecommunications
  • Signal Processing
  • Control Systems and Instrumentation

Application Domains

  • Multimedia Aerospace and Avionics
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Medical Sciences
  • Internet
  • Entertainment
  • Game System Hardware
  • Electronic Toys
  • Virtual Reality Hardware
  • Human Interface Devices
  • Military



  • Project Engineer/Manager
  • Network System Administrator/Manager
  • Data Communications Engineer
  • Systems Engineer/Developer/Manager
  • Systems Analyst/Designer
  • Technical Support Engineer/Manager
  • Test Engineer
  • “Technopreneur”
  • Software Engineer
  • Educator and Researcher



Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) Level III Re-Accredited



Dr. Paraluman G. SimDepartment Chair, Computer Engineering

Faculty Members

  • Arriane D. Cabreros – BSCpE, UE (2007); MEng CpE, PLM (2020)
  • Regie C. David – BSCpE, UE (1999); MEP, TUP (units Earned); MES, UE (2017)
  • Mark Vernon M. Degala – BSCpE, UE (2006)
  • Edie Boy M. Dela Cruz – BSCpE, UE (2013); MES, UE (2016); DIT, UE (on-going)
  • Angelita D. Guia – BSECE, UE (1994); MEP-CoE, TUP (earned units); MIM, UE (2007); DIT, UE (2018)
  • Joan P. Lazaro – BSCpE, UE (1999); MEP, TUP (earned units); MES, UE (2012); DIT, UE (2018)
  • Nelson C. Rodelas – BSCoE, UE (2000); MaEd, NTC (units earned); MS-CoE, PUP ( 2015); DIT, UE (2018)
  • Alexis John M. Rubio – BSCoE, UE (2011); MES, UE (2013); DIT, UE (2018)
  • Paraluman G. Sim – BSCoE, UE (2000); MEng-CoE, PLM (2005); Ed.D, UE (2015)

CpE Achievements to be added to the existing contents.

  • Ryan D. Francisco (2019 GMA Network Awardee in the Technology-based Category)
  • Ryan D. Francisco (Finalist, NCR Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines 2019)  
  • 1st Runner-up (NCR-Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Quiz Bowl 2019)


UE College of Engineering-Caloocan

Angelita D. Guia

Dr. Paraluman G. Sim
Associate Dean-Engineering

Dr. Maria Amelia E. Damian
Associate Dean-Computer Studies and Systems

Engr. Edelito A. Handig
College Secretary

UE College of Engineering-Caloocan Dean’s Office
Dean: (632) 8-367-4572 local 166
Direct Line: (632) 8-365-4121

Associate Dean and College Secretary:
✆  8-367-4572 local 167
✆  Direct Line: 8-365-4121

General UE CEng’g Caloocan email address:
✉  ceng.cal@ue.edu.ph

Department Chairs Office:

✆ UE Caloocan Trunkline 8-367-4572
✆ CE Department: local 171
✆ CpE Department: local 172
✆ ECE Department: local 181
EE Department: local 170
ME Department: local 169
CS/IT Department.: local 200

Social Info


January 23, 2025
*UE CEng’g Cal Conducts Technology & Engineering Pitch Competition!*
April 11, 2024
*UE CEng’g Cal. Hosts Talk about Navigating Innovation and Inspiring Futures*
April 11, 2024