College of Business Administration



A curricular program that provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in management accounting. This program complies with CMO No. 28 series of 2017, qualifying the graduate to take assessments leading to certifications in management accounting given by global professional management accounting organizations.


    The UE BSMA Program envisions its graduates to:

  1. Become competent and ethical professional accountants capable of making positive contributions over their lifetimes to the profession and society in which they work;
  2. Develop professional skills and professional values, ethics and attitudes throughout their professional lives;
  3. Cover a number of different technical or strategic positions in their professional lives;
  4. Contribute to planning, controlling and performance evaluation and be able to recommend to the top management courses of action that would fulfill their strategic goals; and
  5. Reflect on the ethical implications of their job, which also implies addressing the question of to whom they respond through their actions and decisions.


    A UE graduate of Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting should be able to:

  1. Resolve business issues and problems, with a global and strategic perspective using their knowledge and technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and reporting, cost accounting and management, management accounting and control, taxation and accounting information systems;
  2. Conduct management accounting research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies;
  3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions;
  4. Apply knowledge and skills that will enable them to successfully respond to various types of assessment (including professional licensure and certifications); and
  5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.


The field of accounting offers stimulating and challenging work that is constantly evolving. The BSMA program seeks to prepare the student for a management accounting career.

Specific sample job opportunities are the following:

A.Entry-level job

  1. Public Practice: Junior Analyst, Consulting Staffer
  2. Commerce and Industry: Cost Analyst, Investment Analyst, Management Accounting Staffer, Tax Accounting Staffer, Financial Analyst, Budget Analyst, Credit Analyst, Cost Accountant
  3. Government: State Accounting Examiner, NBI Agent, Treasury Agent, State Accountant, LGU Accountant, Revenue Officer, Audit Examiner, Budget Officer, Financial Services Specialist
  4. Education: Junior Accounting Instructor

B. Middle-level positions

  1. Public Practice: Senior Consulting Manager/Financial Advisory Manager
  2. Commerce and Industry: Comptroller, Senior Information Systems Auditor, Senior Loan Officer, Senior Budget Officer
  3. Government: State Accountant V, Director III and Director IV, Government Accountant and Auditor, Financial Services Manager, Audit Services Manager, Senior Auditor
  4. Education: Accredited Accounting Teacher, Program or Department Chair

C. Advanced positions

  1. Public Practice: Partner, Senior Partner, Senior Consultant/Financial Advisor
  2. Commerce and Industry: Finance Director/Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer
  3. Government: National Treasurer, Vice President for Finance/CFO (for GOCCs), Commissioner, Associate Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner (COA, BIR, BOC).

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College of Business Administration

Dr. Rosalinda B. Lacerona

Ralph Michael H. LICAROS
Associate Dean

Prof. Ofelia R. Nilo
College Secretary

UE Business Administration Dean’s Office

(632) 8735-54-71 loc 354 – 355 – 356
Direct Line: (632) 8735-85-32

UE Business Administration email address:

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.