Online Subscription Resource Database

Gale offers a variety of resources for education, lifelong learning, and academic research. Whether you are looking for peer-reviewed articles; full-text magazines, newspapers, and eBooks; primary source documents; and videos or podcasts, Gale puts the right vetted content and tools at your fingertips!

EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than 70 years, we’ve partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.

iG Library plus is the third generation of IG Publishing eBook platform. Its versatile search tools and intuitive interface greatly helps users explore the content from huge collections. The powerful index server supports multi-language content, full-text search and clustering engine to help users relevant most relevant results.

Human Resource Development Review (HRDR) is an international journal focusing on theory development for scholars and practitioners in human resource development and related disciplines. HRDR publishes high-quality conceptual work using non-empirical research methods. 

ebrarian for Libraries is a web-based service that combines technology with a growing collection of more than 10,000 authoritative titles in key subject areas – the majority of which were published within the past two years. ebrary’s publishing partners include more than 130 of the world’s most prestigious academic presses…

Science Diliman
is an internationally refereed semi-annual journal of pure and applied sciences. Results of inter-disciplinary research projects may also be submitted for publication. Papers submitted will undergo a double-blind peer review before final approval for publication.

Social Science Diliman: A Philippine Journal of Society and Change (SSD) is the flagship journal for the social sciences of the University of the Philippines Diliman. It is internationally refereed, semiannual, and bilingual (in English and Filipino). SSD publishes works on the social sciences and its applications.

Humanities Diliman is an internationally refereed journal for the humanities which comes out semi-annually. An open-access journal, it is multilingual and both disciplinal and multi-disciplinary. Humanities Diliman (HD) promotes scholarship in the arts and humanities in the Philippines…

Built on the widest range of trusted, high-quality, interdisciplinary research, ScienceDirect helps you find answers to your most pressing research questions, stay on top of your field and gain in-depth insights into trending research topics as you take your next steps in discovery.

Wiley Online Library is giving our extensive collection of online multidisciplinary resources a platform for the future by giving libraries a greater ability to enhance discoverability, promote institutional branding and provide seamless access to content  

The Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing is a managerially oriented and applied journal which serves as a medium through which researchers and managers in the field of travel and tourism can exchange ideas and keep abreast with the latest developments in the field.

Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints is an internationally refereed journal that publishes scholarly articles and other materials on the history of the Philippines and its peoples, both in the homeland and overseas.

Early Education and Development (EE&D) is a multi-disciplinary professional journal that publishes primarily empirical research on the links between early childhood education and children’s development from birth to age 8. 

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is a double-blind reviewed and scholarly Journal dedicated to publishing in English and French original and outstanding studies that improve knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management and, eventually, shape these fields of research.


Department of Libraries
✆  8735-5471 (trunk line)

Venus B. Oruga
Director of Libraries
✆  8735-8544: (400)

Aquilino M. Abenojar
Assistant Director (Manila Campus)
✆  8735-5471: (401)

Fely A. Diego
Assistant Director (Caloocan Campus)
✆  8367-45-72 loc 604

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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